Shabby Background

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Wow, when life gives you lemons you make lemonade right? Well, lemonade gives me heartburn so we'll see how this goes! We're remaining positive and hopeful. We are actually kind of excited to see what this next chapter will bring. I got laid of when I was pregnant with Maisy and now Matt with this litle peanut. Strange. We are so grateful to have the family that we do and it gives us faith to know we're going to be fine. Thanks for thoughts. Love you all!


  1. "when the lord closes a door, he opens a window"
    maria in sound of music (love her, she has always been my role model, haha!)

  2. "How do you solve a problem like Maria?" I love that song, love that movie and wish I had her positive attitude all of the time!
