Shabby Background

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

So You Think You Can Dance

As you may know, I am a huge fan of this show, I can't get enough of it! This season Jeanine and Ade are a few of my favorites. I hope they get partnered next week. I was so moved by Mia Michaels routine tonight, tears were streaming down my face. I am a bit emotional, I'll admit, but that dance really resonated with me. Kupono and Kayla aren't my favorite dancers, but I loved that routine, it was choreographed and danced beautifully! I love that song too. It's one of those routines that will stick with me for awhile. Who are your favorites? What has been your favorite dance so far? Talk to me people...


  1. I cried through that entire routine, too.

  2. Sorry I do not watch that show:(

  3. I missed it - and have been trying to find it online somewhere. Darn it.

  4. Mom, I'll look for it on-line for you. It absolutely stirred my soul.

  5. I sent you the link Mo. I sent it to your work email ...I couldn't find your home one.

  6. I'm so glad to read other peops cry, I told Stacie something was wrong with me because I cry every show, dancing makes me so emotional, I love it, I was so sad to see Phillip go home I love him and randee is also a fav!
