Shabby Background

Friday, March 26, 2010

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Arney / Baker Visit

We had such a fun visit with the Arney/Baker crew.
Maisy and Nonie had a blast.
My dad loved holding Beckham and made sure his head was always covered - for improved sleeping of course.
Maisy, Nora and Bridgette had fun playing on the swing set.
I had a little fun myself playing with the girls. And yes, the Oregon sweatshirt has made a come back.

Maisy & Beckham

We're having so much fun with these two! They are amazing. Beckham seems to give more and more smiles everyday and Maisy is a wonderful big sister. She loves to read to him and sing him songs. We are all hoping for visitors! Come and visit!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Beckham T.

We're loving this little guy.